the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love... and be loved in return

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

2nd day of new year!!

This is my big family... (mother side) 4 generation... they are a bunch of happening fellows... i remembered there was once 15 of us wen KBOX at 1am... lol...
Had an enjoyable day... play with my another nephew(18 months) he is so chubby... he will not smile while he is taking a photo, he will smile only after the flash light flashes........ "-_-

1:41 PM | 0 Comment

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy New yr!!!

Woah!! Its been a long time since i blog.... Its new year!!

Omg!!! my nephew is so cute!!!!! Passing around on the first day of new year!!! lol like a ball... but he is so cute!!! everytime when we put him on the safety seat his mouth will go from :) to :(

Look at him!! LOL... (*click to view a larger pic*) lol...
There are more pics of him but i have not drag it out from my camera...
And this year new year not bad ah... but one thing i find it quite irritating lol... Where is your friend? then i was like huh? visiting ah...
Then later then i know they meant boyfriend... omg!! then i tell them maybe next year yah!! *smile and walk away* lol...
Well who knows maybe next year... ehem!!! Millie maybe next yr ehem you know who ah.... lol...
Ok m tired... tmr another long day....

1:30 PM | 0 Comment

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